Working Collectively Towards One KC
Safe & Healthy Communities
Too many Kansas Citians feel unsafe on our city’s streets. I want to focus on crime prevention strategies and wrap-around services that generate measurable outcomes.
Housing Security
Recognize that a comprehensive housing approach may look different in different parts of the city. We need to look at the totality of our needs.
We also can’t make it untenable to develop affordable & workforce housing in Kansas City.
Equitable Development
We need more long-range planning so we can better balance the need for incentives and ensure our schools, mental health services, and libraries don’t get the short end of the stick.
We need more upfront input from residents and businesses on how we want our city to look in the decades to come.
Connectivity cannot be understated when we talk about development. Multimodal transportation is an economic development strategy. Too many Kansas Citians struggle to get to their jobs. We need to fix that.
Basic City Services
Trash pickup, snow removal, and street resurfacing are fundamental to a vibrant city. Our city has been making improvements and I want to continue those efforts for Kansas Citians.